25 April 2014

Audrey, Wait!


Title: Audrey, Wait!
Author: Robin Benway
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Year: 2008
Language: English
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Music, Humor
Rating: 10/10
Continuation: No continuation yet.
Pages: 320


Audrey, a normal California high school student, breaks up with her narcissistic boyfriend, Evan, the lead singer of a a band called the Do-Gooders. He writes a song about her the very next day called "Audrey, Wait!". The song becomes so popular, it rockets to the top of the Billboards Top 20.

Suddenly, Audrey is famous. She has rabid fans hounding her, the hunky lead singer of the famous Lolitas wants her as his muse and the Internet is following her every move. She can't even hang out with her best friend or new crush without getting spotted and followed by the paparazzi. The novel follows Audrey as she has amazing amounts of fun, confronts her ex on MTV and showing the world who she really is.

This novel was exquisite. It is a perfect example of contemporary writing. I enjoyed this book immensely for a variety of reasons. The story line was wonderfully realistic and modern. Every section of the novel displays a taste of present day, from slang used appropriately to mention of well-known media outlets such as MTV and People Magazine.

The style of writing was quite wonderful too. I found that Benway has a knack for making the writing upbeat and interesting. The novel has several strategically placed quips, exclamations and jokes, making the overall reading experience quite quirky. It is also downright hilarious and the reader will be finding it a challenge to keep their laughter in check.

 A romantic relationship develops between James and Audrey, which is frankly too cute. They have their fair share of arguments and problems, but they are very understanding of each other and their affection for each other shines through. Their romance is a major sub-plot in the novel.

The book is also based on music. References are made to the song in question, songs from other genres and other bands/singers. This elements, while not major, can prove to be quite interesting and though-provoking for music junkies. 

This book has been recommended a lot and just reading its blurb got me excited. The troubles I went through to find and read it.... I will most certainly recommend it for both male and female readers, because this book barely edges into chick lit.

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